Kalisetti PB Naidu

Real Estate – Seek Expert Advice

Blog Real Estate – Seek Expert Advice While going through the News ever day I read a news about a investor committed suicide by investing monies in farm land anticipating big profits in shortest time, while people carry away by their own intuitions & estimations regarding real estate industry and never realise the consequences at […]

Hyderabad, The Happening City

Blog Hyderabad, The Happening City Over past few weeks, we were understanding the footfalls in the shopping areas and Malls, what we witness today a changing atmosphere around the city of pearls, Hyderabad. During my recent visit to Lifestyle store group of young girls aged around 14 – 15 years were shopping, among the other side the young generation boys and girls today preferring […]

Swift towards development

Blog Swift towards development Hyderabad Happening – November 2015 Hyderabad is growing in all aspects New avenues , Investments, e-commerce, Real Estate, Technology its happening. past One year increase in recruitment in IT & ITES has grown and New office spaces are getting occupied, consumption of real estate spaces have started especially residential and small […]

IKEA in India – Hyderabad at its peak

Blog IKEA in India – Hyderabad at its peak Today after formation of separate Telengana State, Capital city of Hyderabad has witnessed seamless development in terms of Retail & Office space, Thanks to Mr. KTR for his efforts and hardwork which is paying off. Employement oppurtinities best infrastructure & project execution has become primary goal […]

Pearl City to Cyber Hub – Hyderabad

Blog Pearl City to Cyber Hub – Hyderabad On the occation of 150th birth anniversery of Mahatma Gandhi the great announcement of Prime Minister Modi of ” Single Use Plastic” and vision of making India a 5 trillion economy a New Booster, today while surfing my morning news over a coffee, it really took me […]

Hyderabad – Food Industry

Blog Hyderabad – Food Industry Last five years, we were working on retail footprint of Food Industry & emerging markets, which increase connectivity & infrastructure, were the key drivers. 65 square kms of footprint with more than One Crore population makes us most populous city in the country, post Telangana, we have seen the real […]

American Economy : Collapse of Retail Business -2020

Blog American Economy : Collapse of Retail Business -2020 Since 2018 I have been studying Retail Business in America and study into this formats have given me a surprise, shutting down businesses, closing down the stores, these were the Retail Giants once upon a time stood as an example of creating destinations for Retail. Back […]

Retail Space & Strange Deals

Blog Retail Space & Strange Deals Over a decade of leasing retail spaces had great comfort in executing transactions and adding every sq. ft to the portfolio of achievement. a journey of million sq. ft of leasing across south India with the increased footprint of retail spaces went into a sleeping mode. Covid a new […]

Startups – Economic Valueadition

Blog Startups – Economic Valueadition The Indian startup ecosystem is taking leaps and bounces and find every day a new idea, a small missing link is making a million-dollar, amazingly reaching great numbers satisfying customer aspirations and needs. ‘Atamnibar Bharat’ potential of real India, today less than a decade of startup boom India is scaling […]

Hyderabad – Home Buying Market

Blog Hyderabad – Home Buying Market Amazing Telangana – it is important to note the growth curve of Real Estate at its best, I still remember when the division of the state took place lot of uncertainty prevailed in the industry. today while I witness all-around development in all verticals Retail Spaces, Commercial office spaces, […]