
Pearl City to Cyber Hub - Hyderabad
On the occation of 150th birth anniversery of Mahatma Gandhi the great announcement of Prime Minister Modi of ” Single Use Plastic” and vision of making India a 5 trillion economy a New Booster, today while surfing my morning news over a coffee, it really took me a surprise One Plus mobile phones does a 500cr revenue in 2 days on e-commerce platform, apparently consumption of office space has increased more than 10 million sq.ft in first nine months living behind Bengaluru and Delhi NCR. Now growth of new employment, requirement of housing, logistics, connectivity, development of new area of habitats…going to witness the wow factor in socio economic culture.
What i see last 7 years post Formation of Telengana a different kind of life style well focussed developments, extension of new demographics, real estate, IT & pharmacy etc 7 years back limited scope, limited trade practices, growth was very slow, now what we see today increase in employment in every sector, MSMES are getting into new areas of business and providing training to the under skilled people to skilled orientation programs, increase of office spaces in all 4 corners of the city is an amazing factor to look at. increase in Retail Malls, standalone show rooms, automobile, furniture, restaurants etc., Star Hotels, Resorts, Pub’s emerging a new transformation towards the 5th Metro city of India.
Investments into real estate, planning is already on high rise towers increase in Backend operations, funds starting their second office after Mumbai. all this taking shape because of Metro getting on wheels, commuting has become affordable and time saving connectivity, according to a survey conducted by a leading news agency 77% of people said they want to give up 4 wheeler if metro rail can increase the foot print and its proved across the globe, any city gets develop when you have a good infra-structure, hats of to our Municipal Minister KTR and his dedication towards the transport system , appreciated by all Hyderbadi’s from now we are called Cydberabadi’s.